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Seed is a healthy, gourmet, deli-style grocery that cares about the way Amman eats. We use only the freshest ingredients, so our products are packed with the vitamins and nutrients you need to energize yourself, feel and look healthy, and live your best life — and they’re delicious too! We cater to your body’s healthy cravings. Whether it’s a fresh vegetable juice or smoothie to give you a boost in the morning, a salad for lunch, or one of our delicious, all-natural sweet snacks in between meals, Seed’s got what you need to get your body through the day in the most positive way. We want to empower or customers (and community) to make healthy choices everyday. That means that we don't just sell products, we also give you the information you need to make the best choices, both at Seed and beyond. Our Health Directory tells you which Seed products suit which natural bodily needs. It's a learning environment for all involved — a great opportunity to help each other improve what nature gave us. Be warned: This is not a diet shop. We do not encourage our customers to focus only on the numbers on the back of a food package. These numbers can often be misleading. Instead, our food is made with natural ingredients that, quite simply, do your body good. Our products do not contain processed sugar (only natural sugars) and 95% of our produce is completely residue-free, which means that when the fruit or vegetable gets to you, there are no harmful chemicals on it. As Seed grows (pun intended), so will our understanding of how food affects your body, and what we can do (add, remove, or change) to make sure you're always getting the very best that we can possibly provide. Come try Seed! I promise: Your body won't regret it. Follow us: @seedhealthy







Seed amman

Seed jordan

Seed مطاعم

Seed Restaurant

Seed عالمي

Seed International

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Seed galary

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Seed events

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Seed قائمة الطعام

Seed وصفات الطعام

Seed وجبات

Seed غداء

Seed تعليقات

Seed تصويت

Seed أراء

Seed صور

Seed معرض صور

Seed المكان

Seed الموقع

Seed خريطة

Seed مكان

Seed فعالية

Seed فعاليات

Seed اخبار

سيد amman

سيد jordan

سيد مطاعم

سيد Restaurant

سيد عالمي

سيد International

سيد menu

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سيد قائمة الطعام

سيد وصفات الطعام

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سيد غداء

سيد تعليقات

سيد تصويت

سيد أراء

سيد صور

سيد معرض صور

سيد المكان

سيد الموقع

سيد خريطة

سيد مكان

سيد فعالية

سيد فعاليات

سيد اخبار

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مطاعم jordan

مطاعم Restaurant

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مطاعم تصويت

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مطاعم صور

مطاعم معرض صور

مطاعم المكان

مطاعم الموقع

مطاعم خريطة

مطاعم مكان

مطاعم فعالية

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Restaurant jordan

Restaurant مطاعم

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Restaurant تعليقات

Restaurant تصويت

Restaurant أراء

Restaurant صور

Restaurant معرض صور

Restaurant المكان

Restaurant الموقع

Restaurant خريطة

Restaurant مكان

Restaurant فعالية

Restaurant فعاليات

Restaurant اخبار

عالمي amman

عالمي jordan

عالمي مطاعم

عالمي Restaurant

عالمي International

عالمي menu

عالمي recipe

عالمي food

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عالمي comments

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عالمي galary

عالمي photo

عالمي images

عالمي image

عالمي direction

عالمي map

عالمي location

عالمي event

عالمي events

عالمي promotion

عالمي قائمة الطعام

عالمي وصفات الطعام

عالمي وجبات

عالمي غداء

عالمي تعليقات

عالمي تصويت

عالمي أراء

عالمي صور

عالمي معرض صور

عالمي المكان

عالمي الموقع

عالمي خريطة

عالمي مكان

عالمي فعالية

عالمي فعاليات

عالمي اخبار

International amman

International jordan

International مطاعم

International Restaurant

International عالمي

International menu

International recipe

International food

International meal

International comments

International review

International rate

International ratting

International vote

International galary

International photo

International images

International image

International direction

International map

International location

International event

International events

International promotion

International قائمة الطعام

International وصفات الطعام

International وجبات

International غداء

International تعليقات

International تصويت

International أراء

International صور

International معرض صور

International المكان

International الموقع

International خريطة

International مكان

International فعالية

International فعاليات

International اخبار

Indoor Terrace

Take Away Menu

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